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Off to Ubay and Bayongan Dam (Part II)

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From the Marcela Farm’s gate we turned left on a dirt road and headed towards Bayongan Dam. We passed by Alturas’ air-conditioned poultry (where 20,000+ chickens are supposedly kept per house). In the excitement for Bayongan, we did not stop to take pictures of the property. There were more or less 7 long houses there for the chickens.

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The road to Bayongan from the Plant was rough but the kids enjoyed the ride, often shouting whenever the jeep passed a hole on the road that caused the jeep to jerk from side to side. We followed a canal that connects Bayongan to the Capayas Dam in Ubay. It took a while for us to traverse the road. Edgar was apprehensive since the road was narrow and can accommodate only one vehicle. It was a relief when we arrived at the dam without meeting any other vehicle along the way.


sorry…off limits to swimmers!


The reservoir is wide and beautiful! We stopped at the first vantage point we came to and disembarked planning to take a dip but a sign was posted there saying that swimming is prohibited. The water’s edge was barricaded with dried branches to discourage swimmers. So we opted to explore for a place suitable for swimming.


We came to a place definitely part of the reservoir yet it was not under water. It seems the edge of the water went below that of the point where it will freely fall over a spillway and exposed the area. I learned later that the place was once used as a landing area for helicopters bearing the President of the Philippines and her party during the dam’s inauguration.


see the letter “H” on the ground….may stand for “Helipad” or "Hanjin" the contractor



Running about, the kids forgot their desire to swim. All went to the water’s edge and since it looked so deep, nobody dared to try. We looked around. The scenery was so peaceful and beautiful. Talks of riding speedboats and going to the center island came up and more! The kids were bracing up for more adventure!


And then they saw the dike! One tried to climb it and the rest followed. They were afraid at first but overcoming all fears, they started going up and down enjoying themselves so much. Anding and I were encouraged to try and we did reach the top! But when I looked down, I felt mushy and I know Anding felt the same. We opted to traverse the top of the dike and headed for the park rather than go down and risk falling over.



the last to come up was Anding and Caren…


all at the top except Edgar….he has to drive the jeep!

The park is located at the top of the dike, looking out towards the reservoir and the rolling terrain below it. Three markers are laid there commemorating the inauguration of the dam, and stating the size of the reservoir, capacity and more. Tired, we sat down on the steps and rested. Louie and Edu were not contented. They climb up on the markers and posed….asking that they be photographed!


the tiled flooring of the park….looking out towards the reservoir



look at the imported statue……


for posterity…..

We posed with Edgar. He is always left out being the main photographer. The boys are not there. They are out exploring! We stayed until the sun was beginning to set and then headed for home traversing dirt roads until we reached San Miguel’s main thoroughfare.

We went to the town church and took a few pictures and more also of the municipal hall. The kids clamored for snacks seeing the bakery in front of the municipal hall. Anding bought some bread which was consumed in a jiffy. Kids are forever hungry!

Finally on a cemented road, the trip home was smooth and uneventful.

Off to Ubay and Bayongan Dam Part I

Bayongan Dam

San Miguel

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